Lifestyle: Mindful Awareness regarding Mental Health
Ahmedabad: It is crucial to be aware of general health so that one can receive expert care if necessary, on noticing any signs. While everyone is aware of the signs and treatment choices for common illnesses that impact their loved ones, such as the flu, migraines, or (most recently) COVID-19, many people are unaware of how to care for their mental health.
Being aware of your mental health and learning more about mental illnesses can also benefit your family, friends, and co-workers.
Many people who suffer from mental health issues are unaware that their problems are caused by untreated mental illnesses. As a result, mental health awareness might assist in achieving a greater understanding of the symptoms.
While each mental health illness has its own set of symptoms, here are a few to keep an eye out for:
- Sleeping habits change
- Loss of appetite
- When in a bad mood, one can turn to drugs or alcohol.
- Suicidal tendancies
If one has been feeling unbalanced and dissociated lately, one might be suffering from a mental health problem that requires quick attention. After all, the signs and symptoms of mental illnesses can be quite damaging to one’s emotional and physical well-being.
Most significantly, mental health knowledge can help eliminate the stigma associated with seeking mental health treatment. One is not crazy to suffer from mental health issues. Millions of individuals across the country are affected by mental illness.
Through better knowledge and proper mental health care, one will discover that they are not alone. They will be one step closer to mental health recovery if they get mental health help.
Apart from difficulties in obtaining care and managing mental health insurance, the most significant impediment to mental health treatment is a lack of mental health knowledge. Understanding the symptoms of various mental diseases and seeking therapy for a happier and healthier life requires adequate mental health awareness.
The Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) has long been known for its light-hearted approach, full of dazzling battles and witty remarks from powerful characters. However, there are more serious messages hidden beneath the surface, and subsequent releases have gone further into the human mind and the ramifications of superhuman lives.
Iron Man, the creator of the MCU, battles acute anxiety and panic episodes in Iron Man 3, whereas, Wanda Maximoff suffers from a complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Thor suffers from eating disorders, and Hulk suffers from a multiple personality disorder.
Though most previous initiatives to improve mental health in less-developed nations have failed over the past six decades or more, the time has come that we have a fresh take with renewed zeal.
Mental health education can serve as both a means and an end to this indifference. Progressive government policies based on evidence-based approaches, and involved media and innovative crowd-sourcing might all work together to help alleviate the scourge of mental diseases.
(Sunidhi Bhatt)