A Big Weaknesses of China in the Defense Sector
New Delhi: In the middle of a dream of China to be the world leader, The US-based think tank exposed the weaknesses of the armed forces of China.
According to the report, China’s reliance on hi-tech imports and potential workforce shortages in the next decade – are two big looming vulnerabilities for its defense industry.
“The birth rate and the shrinking workforce in the country – could affect the growth of China’s economy, as well as the defense sector, with signs that the defense industry might struggle to attract and retain trained talent,” report said.
Researchers at the Rand Corporation said other weaknesses included a lack of transparency in the massive state-owned conglomerates and – despite some advantages – single-party control over the enterprises.
The report said China was reliant on the United States and US allies in several areas, including education, raw materials, advanced components, and intellectual property. China’s defense innovation system does not effectively transmit knowledge and information between its constituent Components.
China has a greater manufacturing capacity than any other country, but it also relies on foreign supplies – both bulk commodities and hi-tech components. China was reliant on the US and its allies for five minerals needed in the defense industry.
According to the report, China is also dependent on Russia, Ukraine, and, to some degree, on France for aircraft and naval engines, which represented the largest share of all Chinese arms imports between 2015 and 2020.