– By Vinayak Barot
New Delhi: Presidential election in the US is just few months away and Coronavirus pandemic and Trade war with China are very common in the US nowadays.
To win the votes of Americans in the US presidential election 2020, The US’s Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said “The Trump Administration is committed to making sure that administration holds China accountable for the Coronavirus spread. Covid-19 virus killed hundreds of thousands of lives across the world and led to economic disruption,”
The world notices that the US and China’s relation have worsened in the last few months.
On the Last Wednesday, the top US diplomat strictly said “The Department of State will now require senior Chinese diplomats in the US to receive approval to visit American University campuses to meet with local government officials”
On the other side, Vice Presidential candidate Kamala Harris directed her finger to President Donald Trump and said “Donald Trump’s Administration has minimised the seriousness of outbreak”
“From the beginning of this pandemic, he has called it a hoax. He has muzzled the public health experts – he has minimised the seriousness of it. If he had listened to the scientists and the experts, he would have understood the gravity of it,” Harris to Media.
Earlier Donald Trump gave the statement over coronavirus vaccine and said “the US would come out with vaccine by the end of this year if not sooner” and over the Donald Trump’s statement, Kamala Harris said “I think we have learned that ever since this pandemic started that there’s very little that we can trust what comes out of Donald Trump’s Mouth, I would trust the words of public health experts and scientists and not of Donald Trump”
As per the facts and figures, The USA is the worst affected country from the coronavirus pandemic.