UAE backs Modi government on Kashmir issue, says revoking Article 370 is India’s internal matter
The UAE has taken note of the Indian government’s decision of non-operationalisation of some sections of Article 370 of the Indian Constitution related to the state of Jammu and Kashmir, said Dr Ahmad Al Banna, the UAE ambassador to India.

Dr Al Banna added: “We also took note of the introduction of Jammu and Kashmir Reorganisation Bill in the Indian Parliament aimed at replacing Article 370 with the creation of Ladakh region and the state of Jammu and Kashmir as India’s two new Union Territories.”
He also said that it as an India’s internal matter as stipulated by the Indian Constitution.
UAE ambassador to India also commented that from his understanding the reorganisation of states is not a unique incident in the history of independent India and that it was mainly aimed at reducing regional disparity and improving efficiency.