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Lifestyle: 6 Skin Care Tips for Spring Season

Lifestyle: 6 Skin Care Tips for Spring Season

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Ahmedabad: Spring is a season of rebirth and this is when the skin escapes from its winter cocoon of heavy moisturisers and chapstick. One’s skin is undoubtedly ready for a change in seasonal skincare after months of alternating between hot, dry indoor air, and the harsh cold outside.

The following six springtime skincare tips can help reawaken skin from its winter slumber and reveal the healthy sheen within:

Adapt to seasonal skincare routine

Change the skincare routine as the seasons change. People attempt to achieve equilibrium in their skin all of the time, but the weather may wreak havoc on it. When it comes to a spring skincare regimen, the most fundamental step is to simply wash your face with water. 


Exfoliating away the winter’s remaining layer is the first step on the journey to bright skin. Even though skin cells regenerate regularly, the bulky winter coats may have prevented dead skin from sloughing off properly. Running a hot bath and giving oneself a full-body exfoliation with a powerful yet mild scrub is the finest approach to exfoliate the skin. Scrub all over, paying specific attention to the knees, elbows, feet, hands, and back, which are prone to rough areas.

Keep in mind that most body scrubs are too harsh for your face. To exfoliate sensitive skin, use a face-specific product. Always finish with a moisturiser to keep the new skin nourished!

Stay Hydrated

Isn’t it true that drinking more water is the foundation of every diet, workout, and skin-care regimen? That’s because it’s beneficial to the body. The skin is the greatest organ in the body, and it needs water to operate. It will be simpler to maintain skin from becoming dry and flaky if one drinks more water.

Use Sunscreen

Sunscreen is not only for beach days. Even on rainy days, UV radiation may penetrate your skin and cause damage. It must be protected. Even on cloudy days, use sunscreen to protect your skin from UV damage. Look for a product that is not heavy and would not clog the pores.

Using a moisturiser or cosmetics that already contains UVA/UVB protection will save time and reduce the number of items required. In just one week, it improves the appearance of black patches.

Clean Makeup Brushes

Don’t forget to check cosmetic goods when spring cleaning cupboards and closets. Makeup brushes and sponges may accumulate a lot of unseen filth and bacteria, and each usage spreads germs across the face. Brushes should be gently washed with a natural cleaner before being let flat to dry for 24 hours.

Use a Mild Moisturiser

While one might have been slathering thick, heavy moisturiser from head to toe all winter, as the days get warmer, the same products may begin to create a greasy coating on the skin. Choose a lighter moisturiser as part of spring skincare regimen to keep one’s skin nourished and healthy without weighing it down.

Blair Murphy-Rose, Dermatologist at the Medical Dermatology and Cosmetic Surgery, New York City, said, “With the change from winter to spring, our skin is exposed less to cold, dry air and more to higher moisture levels in the air, warmer temperatures, and increased sunshine.” 

(Sunidhi Bhatt)


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