Jet fuel prices hiked by 2 percent to an all-time high
New Delhi: Jet fuel prices on Friday were hiked by 2 percent – the seventh straight increase this year – to an all-time high, reflecting a surge in global energy prices.
According to a price notification by state-owned fuel retailers Aviation turbine fuel (ATF) – the fuel that helps airplanes fly – was hiked by ₹2,258.54 per kilolitre, or 2 percent, to ₹1,12,924.83 per kl in the national capital.
Jet fuel prices are revised on the 1st and 16th of every month based on the average international price of benchmark fuel in the preceding fortnight.
Jet fuel, which makes up for almost 40 percent of the running cost of an airline, has this year surged to new highs.
ATF prices have increased every fortnight since the start of 2022. In seven hikes beginning January 1, ATF prices have been increased by Rs 38,902.92 kl or almost 50 percent.
There was, however, no change in the price of petrol and diesel on Friday. Prior to the second pause in 11 days, auto fuel rates had gone up by ₹ 6.40 per litre.
(Smit Soni)