Roving Periscope: Why single out one faith, India against all forms of ‘religiophobia’
Virendra Pandit
New Delhi: Calling on all member-states of the United Nations to consider the broader scope of religious discrimination persisting globally, India on Friday abstained in the UN General Assembly (UNGA) on a draft resolution introduced by Pakistan and co-sponsored by China on “Islamophobia.”
India’s Permanent Representative to the UN Ruchira Kamboj asserted that the prevalence of “religiophobia” against Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, and other faiths facing violence and discrimination must also be acknowledged rather than singling out just one religion.
Pakistan and China are seen as tabling the controversial resolution in light of New Delhi implementing the Citizenship (Amendment) Act, 2019, providing citizenship to the minority Hindu, Sikh, Buddhist, Parsis, and Jain community members who fled to India because of their persecution in the Muslim-majority nations Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan.
Ironically, Pakistan itself has been accused of tolerating persecution of its Islamic minorities—chiefly the Shias and Ahmediyas—while China has been openly persecuting not just Buddhists but also Christians and Uighur Muslims and converting their shrines into commercial complexes for years.
The 193-member UNGA adopted the resolution ‘Measures to Combat Islamophobia’ with 115 nations voting in favor, none against, and 44 abstentions, including India, France, Germany, Italy, Brazil, and the UK—which are also plagued with religiophobia of one kind or another.
Kamboj condemned all acts motivated by anti-Semitism, Christianophobia, and Islamophobia but asserted that it is crucial to acknowledge that such phobias extend beyond Abrahamic religions.
“Clear evidence shows that over decades, followers of non-Abrahamic religions have also been affected by religiophobia. This has led to the emergence of contemporary forms of religiophobia, particularly anti-Hindu, anti-Buddhist, and anti-Sikh sentiments,” she said, explaining India’s position on the resolution.
India stressed that the adoption of the resolution should not establish a precedent that could result in numerous resolutions centered on phobias tied to specific religions, “potentially dividing the United Nations into religious camps.”
“The UN must maintain its stance above such religious concerns, which have the potential to fragment us rather than unite us under the banner of peace and harmony, embracing the world as one global family,” Kamboj said.
India also called on all member states to consider the broader scope of religious discrimination that persists globally.
“While the issue of Islamophobia is undoubtedly significant, we must acknowledge that other religions are also facing discrimination and violence. Allocating resources solely to combat Islamophobia, while neglecting similar challenges faced by other faiths, might inadvertently perpetuate a sense of exclusion and inequality,” she said.
Kamboj told the UNGA that “it is crucial to recognize” that Hinduism, with over 1.2 billion followers, Buddhism with more than 535 million, and Sikhism with over 30 million followers worldwide, are all subject to religiophobia.
“It is time that we acknowledge the prevalence of religiophobia, rather than single out just one (religion).”
She said the contemporary forms of religiophobia are evident in the increasing attacks on religious places of worship such as gurudwaras, monasteries, and temples, as well as the spreading of hatred and disinformation against non-Abrahamic religions in many countries.
“The destruction of the Bamiyan Buddhas, violations of gurudwara premises, massacres of Sikh pilgrims in gurudwaras, attacks on temples, and the glorification of breaking idols in temples all contribute to the rise of contemporary forms of religiophobia against non-Abrahamic religions,” she said.
The destruction of the giant Buddha statues of Bamiyan in Afghanistan by the Taliban in March 2001 led to global condemnation—except by Pakistan and some Islamic countries.
Kamboj underlined that India stands against all forms of religiophobia, be it antisemitism, Christianophobia, or Islamophobia, as “we stand against all anti-Hindu, anti-Buddhist, and anti-Sikh sentiments.”
The resolution condemned the incitement to discrimination, hostility, or violence against Muslims as manifested in the increasing number of incidents of desecration of their holy book, attacks on mosques, sites, and shrines, and other acts of religious intolerance, negative stereotyping, hatred and violence against Muslims.
It also requested UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres to appoint a United Nations Special Envoy to combat Islamophobia.
India said it is “in principle” opposed to the creation of the post of a Special Envoy based on a single religion.
Kamboj pointed out that the substantial budgetary implications of establishing such a position “prompt us to pause and reflect on whether this is the most effective use of resources. Could we not achieve greater impact through a more inclusive approach that addresses religious discrimination in its entirety?”
She underscored that India’s rich history as a pluralistic and democratic nation, embracing diverse religions, has long served as a refuge for those persecuted for their faith.
“Whether Zoroastrians, Buddhists, Jews, or adherents of any other belief, they have all consistently found in India a sanctuary free from religious persecution or discrimination,” she said.
Before adopting the resolution, the UNGA rejected two amendments to the draft introduced by Belgium on behalf of the EU. India voted in favor of both the amendments.
One amendment proposed changes in the resolution’s language to remove references to the desecration of the Quran.
The other amendment sought the appointment of a “United Nations focal point, within existing structures and resources, to combat anti-Muslim discrimination” instead of a UN special envoy.
The General Assembly adopted a resolution in 2022 proclaiming March 15 as the International Day to Combat Islamophobia in the wake of the 2019 mass shootings in two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand, that had killed over 50 people.
In his remarks to mark the day, Guterres said that around the world, there is a rising tide of anti-Muslim hate and bigotry in many forms such as structural and systemic discrimination, unequal immigration policies, unwarranted surveillance and profiling, and restrictions in accessing citizenship, education, employment and justice.
The UN chief also voiced concern over “supremacist ideologies and attacks” against Jews, minority Christian communities, and many others. “Hatred of one group fuels hatred of another. Hate normalises hate. Hate destroys the fabric of our societies,” he said.