NEW DELHI, Mar 5: The central government has strongly reacted to the United States – based think tank “Freedom House” downgrading India’s current democratic structure from free to “partly free” in its latest report.
Issuing a rebuttal on its report that India’s status has declined from “a free country to partly free,” the centre on Friday said the report was “misleading, incorrect and misplaced.”
That the ranking was faulty was evident from the fact that “many states in India are ruled by parties other than the one at the national level, through an election process which is free and fair and which is conducted by an independent election body”, said the government in a point-by-point rejoinder.
“This reflects the working of a vibrant democracy, which gives space to those who hold varying views,” the statement said.
In its annual report, the democracy research institute said the world’s largest democracy was descending into authoritarianism and referred to what it called the “mob violence against Muslims” in the Delhi riots, the use of sedition laws against critics and the migrants’ crisis after Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced what it described as a “ham-fisted” lockdown to control the coronavirus pandemic.
“The Government of India treats all its citizens with equality as enshrined under the constitution of the country and all laws are applied without discrimination. Due process of law is followed in matters relating to law and order, irrespective of the identity of the alleged instigator,” the centre said.
“With specific reference to the North East Delhi riots in January 2019, the law enforcement machinery acted swiftly in an impartial and fair manner. Proportionate and appropriate actions were taken to control the situation. Necessary legal and preventive actions were taken by the law enforcement machinery on all complaints/calls received, as per law and procedures.”
On the use of the sedition law, the government said “public order’ and ‘police’ were state subjects and the responsibility of maintaining law and order and investigating crimes was up to the state governments. “Therefore, measures as deemed fit are taken by law enforcement authorities to preserve public order,” it said.
Responding to criticism of the lockdown, the government said any mass movement of people would have spread the disease rapidly throughout the country. “Taking into consideration these facts, the global experience and need for consistency in the approach and implementation of various containment measures across the country, a nationwide lockdown was announced,” the centre said.
The government also listed various steps it said were taken to prevent distress to people and to alleviate the problems of those worst-hit by the lockdown. India had registered “one of the lowest rates of active Covid cases and deaths globally”, it said.
In response to criticism of what the Freedom House report called “Intimidation of academics and journalists and crackdown on expressions of dissent by media”, the government said the constitution provided for freedom of expression under Article 19.
“Discussion, debate and dissent is part of Indian democracy. The Government of India attaches highest importance to the safety and security of all residents of the country, including journalists. The Government of India has issued a special advisory to States and Union Territories on safety of journalists requesting them to strictly enforce the law to ensure safety and security of media persons.”
On Internet shutdowns, the centre’s statement said such decisions were taken with the “over-arching objective of maintaining law and order under strict safeguards.” The government also defended its crackdown on Amnesty International, saying it had illegally poured in large amounts of money to four entities registered in India by misclassifying it as Foreign Direct Investment (FDI).
India was among 73 nations downgraded for declines in political rights and civil liberties in the report put out on Wednesday. The report, which ranked 210 nations, noted that states designated “Not Free” had reached the highest since 2006.
“The changes in India since Modi took charge in 2014 form part of a broader shift in the international balance between democracy and authoritarianism, with authoritarians generally enjoying impunity for their abuses and seizing new opportunities to consolidate power or crush dissent,” the report had said.
(Manas Dasgupta)