Central Government Employees Expect to get 186% Jump in Salary under Next Pay Commission
NEW DELHI, Nov 22: The central government employees are expected to see a 186 per cent jump in their minimum salaries under the eighth pay commission as and when it is formed.
The central government employees are anxiously awaiting the official announcement on the 8th Pay Commission. Official sources said it was expected to be announced by the government during the budget session next year.
Shiv Gopal Mishra, Secretary (staff side) of the National Council of Joint Consultative Machinery (JCM), has said he expected a fitment factor of at least 2.86. It is 29 basis points (bps) higher as compared with 2.57 fitment factor under the 7th Pay Commission.
The employees currently get a minimum basic salary of Rs 18,000 per month under the 7th Pay Commission, which was increased from the 6th Pay Commission’s Rs 7,000. If the government approves the fitment factor of 2.86, the minimum salary of government employees will shoot up by 186 per cent to Rs 51,480, compared with the current payout of Rs 18,000.
Any further hike in fitment factor will lead to commensurate rise in the salaries. A hike in fitment factor raises both pension and salaries of the employees.
Under the 8th Pay Commission, pensions are also expected to increase by 186 per cent to Rs 25,740, compared with the current pension of Rs 9,000. This calculation holds true if the currently expected fitment factor of 2.86 gets through.
Though there is no official announcement on the expected date of the formation of the new pay commission, media reports suggest that it might be announced in the next Budget 2025-26. However, the demands were also made in the last Budget 2024-25 with employee unions approaching the Cabinet Secretary and the finance ministry with their demands.
The clarity on the formation of the 8th Pay Commission will likely come in December after the meeting of the National Council of the Joint Consultative Machinery. The meeting was earlier expected to take place this month but has now been postponed till December.
The National Council of Joint Consultative Machinery (NC-JCM), the highest body representing employee grievances, in July 2024 also submitted a memorandum, requesting immediate steps to establish the Commission. Another appeal was made in August 2024.
The 7th Pay Commission, which led to a substantial jump in government employees’ salaries, was formed in February 2014. Its recommendations were implemented from January 1, 2016. The key recommendations included raising the minimum basic pay from Rs 7,000 to Rs 18,000; revising the pay structure, allowances, and pensions; introducing a health insurance scheme for employees and pensioners; and revising the pension formulation for those retired before January 1, 2016.
Generally, a pay commission is formed every 10 years, though there is no legal provision for that. It is a practice. Currently, there are over 1 crore central government employees and pensioners.
(Manas Dasgupta)