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Torrent Pharma announces Q1 FY24 results

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Revenue & profitability: 

Revenue at Rs. 2,591 crores up by 10%. 

Gross margin: 74.9%; Op. EBITDA: 30.5% 

Op. EBITDA at Rs. 791 crores up by 11%. Adjusted for one off income in  both periods, it is up by 16%.  

Profit after tax at Rs. 378 crores

Results  Q1 FY24  Q1 FY23  YoY%
Rs cr  Rs cr  %
Revenue  2,591  2,347  10%
Gross Margins  1,941  75%  1,687  72%  15%
Op EBITDA  791  31%  712  30%  11%
PAT  378  15%  354  15%  7%
R&D spend  129  5%  122  5%  6%

India revenue at Rs 1,426 crores grew by 14.5% 

As per AIOCD secondary data, Torrent’s growth for the quarter was 9% vs IPM growth  of 4%. 

Diabetes therapy (OAD) rank has now improved to 6th (from 9th last year) due to new  launch performance and field force expansion 

Curatio portfolio continues to deliver high double digit growth along with PCPM  improvements

Brazil revenue at Rs 190 crores, was up by 3%.  

Adjusted for sales spill over to Q2 due to delay in dispatch, the underlying growth is  17% (INR) and 12% (constant currency)  

As per secondary data set, Torrent’s growth is 15% versus BGx market growth of 11%  for the quarter ended Jun’23. 

Growth was complemented by strong underlying market growth, new launches and  growth of generic segment 

Germany revenue at Rs 258 crores was up by 21%. 

Constant currency revenue was Euro 29 million, up by 11%.  

Growth momentum continues with new tender win coupled with better conversion of  existing tenders. 

US revenue at Rs 293 crores, was down by 2%. 

Constant currency revenue at $36 million was down by 8%. 

Adjusted for one off income, constant currency growth at 1% 

Growth was impacted by price erosion on base portfolio and lack of new launches  pending inspection of facilities. 

As on June 30, 2023, 45 ANDAs were pending approval with USFDA and 3 tentative  approvals were received. During the quarter, 1 ANDA was approved.