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Release of Author Achal Rangaswamy’s new book “Don’t Courier That Engagement Ring- Stories from the Market”

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New book Don’t Courier That Engagement Ring- Stories from the Market by author Achal Rangaswamy has been released. Author Achal Rangaswamy said about this book, These are stories from the most challenging yet invigorating field of Selling.

These stories are mostly real, have happened to the author or to his colleagues, peers, subordinates, and seniors. These are stories of success, of failure, of heartbreaks and triumphs in the marketplace.

When facing a prospect or while closing a sale, it is important to stay connected, keep a very close watch on the person who is being proposed to, and to look for tell-tale signs that may indicate that the prospect or the target audience hasn’t lost interest or drifted away mentally.

From shopkeepers to government administrators and from politicians to medical professionals, everybody sells. The only difference is that some people sell products that can be seen, and others sell ideas that can be felt. Some people sell tangible stuff, some sell intangible benefits and some others lead one to receiving huge emotional rewards. But sell we all do.We all are in the business of enhancing someone’s business, or health or wealth or even sense of humour.

One of my bosses and my Guru used to say “The Salesman is the only Kamaupoot (breadwinning son) in the whole company, the rest all are here for expenses.” I believe the irony of the situation is that we hardly spend anything in grooming and nurturing this Kamaupoot.

Ranga, as we all fondly call him, is one of the finest trainers around and he is working tirelessly in honing the skills of salespersons making thorough professionals out of raw talents. Ranga’s book is like “Panchatantra ki kahaniyan” for a salesperson.

The stories and anecdotes that he narrates are not just pieces of common sense, they are nuggets of wisdom that can make a salesperson truly street smart. I am sure anyone who has anything to do with selling will like to read this book over and over again. Anil K Beejawat, Chief Executive Officer, RAK Ceramics India Said.

Mr. Achal Rangaswamy’s stories go beyond the surface of sales advice, delving into the intricacies of human behaviour and relationships. His insights are not only valuable for sales professionals but offer universal lessons about communication, persistence, and the timeless wisdom of putting oneself in the shoes of others. Perhaps one of the most important facets of a person: empathy.

I’ve known him personally and professionally for years; and whilst he celebrates his enthusiasm for being a salesman, his words are a poignant exploration of the delicate dance between business and human emotions. Achal ji often crafts metaphors that transcend the business realm, delving into the complexities of human connections. The narratives beautifully weave a cautionary tale, reminding us of the intricate details that can make or break a deal, emphasizing the importance of personal involvement in sealing the deal, be it for business or for lifelong companionship!

The stories reflect the delicate balance between celebration and maintaining professionalism. The anecdotes serve as a powerful reminder that timing is crucial in business interactions, and decisions made in the euphoria of a deal can have lasting consequences. Through these stories, he has shared powerful message to each of us to ensure commitment at each stage to avoid losing out to competitors who close the deal effectively.

Achal ji highlights beautifully that in the intricate tapestry of our work, let the refrain be clear: refuse the cold tea of rejection, don’t courier the engagement ring of opportunity, embrace the persistence of a child seeking an ice cream, and dance through the delicate steps of commitment. In business, as in life, the art lies in asking again and finding success in the echoes of resilience! More power, and let us always revisit, rephrase, and reaffirm. Kanak Gupta, Director at Seth M.R.Jaipuria Schools said. 

When Mr. Rangaswamy (who gave me my first job, fresh out of business school) asked me to pen a few lines on sales and selling, my first impression was that with 30+ years in sales, it’d just take a few minutes. But it’s not as simple as that. How can you encapsulate “Selling” into a few generic, laudatory statements because simply put, sales is a way of life. Reflect on all the interactions you have with others for anything you wish to do/ get done and you’ll see that life is a series of sales calls. 

That brings us to effectiveness. Contrary to belief, in selling, just having the gift of the gab or personality is not what makes a good salesperson. Over the years, I’ve seen very personable people who aren’t the best salespeople. For me, two things work. The first, like Morgan Housel says in his book, “Same as Ever”, the best story wins. People are emotional, not impersonal and are susceptible to a good story that draws their attention like a moth to a flame. The second is based on whether people ‘Trust you’. Most people haven’t moved from the stage of ‘Like You’ to ‘Trust You’. People misunderstand these two phrases as having the same meaning. Wrong!! ‘Like You’ just takes you to the first step. You may also get a sale or an idea across. But can this be repeated, over and over again? 

In the long run, nobody does anything for you just because they like you. It’s when you are able to build credibility behind the concept and demonstrate how it benefits them more than it does you, that you get to the level of ‘Trust You’ and makes a truly effective selling experience.  Bijo George, Chief Executive Officer at MRF Corp Ltd said. 

Sales play a crucial role in our everyday lives, both in the boardroom and at the heart of our personal lives. Whether it’s persuading your kid to try a new dish, pitching an idea at work, or simply negotiating preferences, the art of selling is woven into the fabric of our human connections and endeavors. Selling is the dynamic force that shape the narrative of our shared human experiences. “Do not courier the engagement ring ” – is a reminder that personal engagement and connection matter, transcending mere transactions in the delicate dance of human interaction. 

This is a must-read for business executives and aspiring youngsters alike, for those seeking to make a lasting mark in both the business world and their personal journeys. The author Achal Rangaswamy, both as my coach and through his transformative Sales leadership program at AMA, has profoundly shaped my professional journey, leaving an enduring impact on my growth and success. Chandra Kanojia, Digital Practitioner and leader with a premier financial services firm in Dallas Fort Worth Texas said.

I have known Achal Rangaswamy for over two decades now. I started my career as a slightly reluctant salesperson but under his guidance during my initial years, I started feeling I could do much more. While I started enjoying the interesting lessons on Sales management by him, what stayed with me for life were the lessons on our Core values, integrity & discipline. 

Any youngster trying to make a career in Sales, or for that matter any other field, these are three pillars for a successful career / life – 1) Never compromise on your core values, 2) Never take the short cut even when the chips are down 3) You have to be extremely disciplined & persistent when you want to succeed in a career. A successful Sales Career is a result of a lot of discipline, persistence and never say die attitude. Practice makes you better! 

Rangaswamy Sir’s life experiences represented as stories and humorous anecdotes makes you visualise the situation very lucidly. These real-life stories will make you think about the last time you were in similar situations and then, I can bet, it will bring a smile to your face. Congratulations to Rangaswamy Sir on this compilation and I wish the readers Happy Reading! Nitumani Goswami , General Manager-Operations, Amazon India said.

In the hustle of modern life, especially in sales, where time is a precious commodity, I appreciate that the author has artfully broken down his book into 16 engaging short stories. These stories, enriched by insights from his distinguished sales career, allow readers to adapt their reading experience to their attention span and convenience.

This book provides invaluable insights into the complex and nebulous human behaviour of customers, presenting a significant challenge for any salesperson expected to sell diverse products, manage customers across vast geographical areas with distinct cultures, languages, and ethnicities, all while meeting ambitious sales targets. Each story underscores diverse practical approaches that, when implemented, have the potential to elevate sales, ensure success, boost confidence, and improve relationships with prospects and clients along the way.

Consider this: we are all engaged in selling every day, both professionally and personally. Our selling skills are the cornerstone of our overall success in life. This book imparts simple wisdom suitable for readers of all kinds.

It is a rarity to find books authored by hardcore sales professionals with successful, enduring careers. Having had the privilege of working with Mr Achal Rangaswamy  during my college internships and later in my first job, I can attest to the lasting impact of his selling competence, passion, pleasing personality, and communication skills. Despite our divergent career paths, we have maintained a close connection, consistently sharing personal experiences and success stories. Happy Reading!  Ashok Mathew | CEO, Aesthetix Industries & Founder, MAD Creation Hub, UAE said.

Everyone is a Sales person and we all sell every time – promises of better marks to parents, reasons for borrowing brother’s bike, reasons for not coming to office, excuse to traffic policeman on jumping a red light and i can go on & on & on. So, in order to do well in every sphere of life we should master the art of becoming a good salesperson. And your customers don’t just buy facts or specs , they buy benefits , they buy stories which you tell them around the benefits of the product . Sales is equally an art as it is a science. And this was my first lesson when I – a young rookie fresh out of MBA college met Rangaswamy Sir in his cabin at Bell Ceramics HO in Baroda – his stories about sales & customers & his perfect command on English & Hindi made Sales look like the best profession on earth and that is when I decided that I want to make a career in sales. Very close to my heart is his advice that the best teacher is the market place, the best school is the school of hard knocks & if you take good care of your partners, they will take excellent care of your business.  The book is a great compilation of many such stories from the world of mythology, cricket & corporate which will not just warm the heart of a salesman but people from all walks of life. A must read for anyone who is curious to know what makes people tick. Rohit Khatter, Lead National Distribution Xiaomi India said.

Achal Rangaswamy is an award-winning marketer but prefers to be called a “proud salesperson.” He hung up his employment boots a dozen years back as President at a building materials major, to become a passionate Sales Coach and Marketing Consultant. Having travelled widely and with a penchant for languages, Rangaswamy makes time to create podcasts, reels, and shorts when not mapping the length and breadth of the country helping people sell products and services as varied as tea, masalas, ceramic products, air conditioners, paints, logistics and IT support. 

He wears the hat of a life coach on weekends. The desire to write his daily morning motivational post RANGAISM gets him out of bed as early as he can.

Rangaswamy also likes to make time to play the harmonica, blog on Mohd Rafi, help run an online cricket chat show on Sunday forenoons, potter around and work out in his garden at his verdant home in Auroville near Pondicherry, where he lives with his dancer, writer, and publisher wife Sapna and his photographer and Kalarippayattu exponent son Ravikiran.

He has penned four books Time is Money, Beyond the Uncharted Landscape, Staying Inspired, and Discovering the Joy of Selling.