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Stronger than ever: Adani Portfolio delivers record performance

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Ahmedabad, 2 June 2024: In line with our commitment to upholding the highest standards of transparency, we are pleased to release the Adani Portfolio’s Credit and Result compendium for financial year 2023-24. These offer deep insights into the financial performance of the portfolio, reinforcing our dedication to providing clear and detailed information to stakeholders and the public.

The performance in FY24 and the past five years signify the strength and stability of the Adani Portfolio and the robustness of its businesses, which despite all external volatilities and headwinds, continue to deliver strong and consistent growth year after year. It also highlights the superior capital allocation strategy that maximises returns and minimises risks.

Adani Portfolio reports strongest financial results till date

In FY24, the Adani Portfolio of companies rose to its best, showcasing resilience, strength and stability and delivering a record EBITDA growth of 45%. With surging cashflows and enhanced credit profiles, the Adani Portfolio is in a ‘stronger than ever’ position to accelerate growth.

Financial performance for FY24                                                        (Figs in INR crore)

Sector FY24  FY23 Growth % of Total
Utility2 44,446 27,842 59.64% 53.60%
Transport 17,202 14,434 19.18% 20.75%
AEL – Infrastructure Businesses 7,689 5,411 42.09% 9.27%
A. Sub-total (Infrastructure) 69,337 47,687 45.40% 83.62%
B. Adjacencies (Cement) 7,589 4,368 73.36% 9.15%
Sub-total (Infra +Adjacencies) 76,925 52,055 47.78% 92.77%
C. AEL- Existing Businesses 5,992 5,151 16.33% 7.23%
Portfolio EBITDA (A+B+C) 82,917 57,205 44.95% 100%

 Utility = Adani Power Limited + Adani Green Energy Limited + Adani Total Gas Limited + Adani Energy Solutions Limited | Transport = Adani Ports and Special Economic Zone Ltd | AEL: Adani Enterprise Limited

EBITDA: Earnings before Interest Tax Depreciation & Amortization I EBITDA: PAT + Share of profit from JV + Tax + Deferred Tax + Depreciation + Finance Cost + Forex Loss / (Gain) + Exceptional Items