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SAARC Diary: India-Pakistan share list of Nuclear facilities and detainees

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NEW DELHI, Jan 1: India and Pakistan today at New Delhi and Islamabad via diplomatic channels shared a list of nuclear installations and facilities in their respective countries protected by the agreements on the prohibition of attacks on Nuclear Installations and facilities between the two countries.

The agreement in force from 27 January 1991 was signed on 31, December 1988 stipulating, inter-alia, that India and Pakistan on 1, January shall notify each other of the nuclear installations and facilities to be protected by the agreement. The list between both the nations has been shared 30 times beginning 1, January 1992.

Both the nations also exchanged lists of civilian prisoners and fishermen in detention as per the 2008 agreement in which a record is shared twice every year on 1 January and 1 July.

The record comprises 263 civilians and 77 Pakistani fishermen under custody in India and 49 civilians and 270 Indian fishermen under arrest in Pakistan. India has called for an early release and repatriation of civilian detainees, security forces and fishermen including their vessels, from Pakistan’s confinement.

The Government also asked Pakistan to expedite the issuance of visas to members of medical experts and facilitate their visit to Pakistan to determine the emotional state of mentally ill Indian prisoners in various prisons in Pakistan. It was, also suggested to arrange an early visit of the Joint Judicial Committee to Pakistan.

The Ministry of External Affairs in a statement stated, India as a matter of priority remains committed to resolving all humanitarian problems, including those related to prisoners and fishermen in each other countries. India also urged Pakistan to expedite the requisite action to confirm the nationality status of 80 prisoners, including fishermen, whose repatriation is pending for lack of confirmation of their nationality by Pakistan. In the light of COVID-19 pandemic, Pakistan was asked to ensure the safety, security and welfare of all Indians and believed Indian civilian prisoners and fishermen.

(Venkatesh Iyer)