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Necromania: Pakistani parents lock dead daughters’ graves to keep away rapists

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Virendra Pandit 


New Delhi: In Pakistan, depravity and decadence have plumbed such depths that some parents have been forced to lock their dead daughters’ graves to prevent necro maniacs from raping them, the media reported on Saturday.

According to the media reports, necrophilia is rising in the multiple crisis-ridden South Asian country, which is facing severe challenges to its very existence as a nation-state.

In a shocking revelation, Daily Times reported that many parents in Pakistan now guard their dead daughters against rape by putting padlocks on their graves.

In many instances, women’s buried corpses were reportedly unearthed and desecrated. A necrophilia case was reported in Pakistan in 2011 when a grave keeper, Muhammad Rizwan from North Nazimabad, Karachi, was arrested after he confessed to raping 48 female corpses.

Even living women in Pakistan are unsafe. According to National Commission for Human Rights, over 40 percent of Pakistani women have experienced some form of sexual violence at least once in their lifetime.

Recently, a scorched body of an 18-year-old woman, suspected to have been killed with an axe, was found lying near Indus Highway. In Islamabad, Zahir Jaffer, the poster boy for sexual violence, is trying to escape his death sentence, reported Daily Times.

Harris Sultan, an ex-Muslim atheist activist and the author of the book “The Curse of God, why I left Islam”, blamed hardline Islamist ideology for such depraved acts.

“Pakistan has created such a horny, sexually frustrated society that people are now putting padlocks on the graves of their daughters to prevent them from getting raped. When you link the burqa with rape, it follows you to the grave,” Sultan tweeted on Wednesday.

This is being done as a desperate bid to ensure the sanctity of dead bodies in case some randy monsters cherry-pick them to satiate their lust. Considering the rampant rise in necrophilia, one can’t help but understand the urge to protect loved ones, the media reported.

Another Twitter user Sajid Yousaf Shah wrote, “The social environment created by #Pakistan has given rise to a sexually charged and repressed society, where some people have resorted to locking their daughter’s graves to protect them from sexual violence. Such a connection between rape and an individual’s clothing only leads to a path filled with grief and despair.”

According to reports, a woman is raped every two hours in Pakistan, a country taking great pride in its family-oriented values.

But the heart-wrenching sight of padlocks on the graves of females is enough for the entire society to hang its head in shame and never dare to look at the so-called vessels of honor, read a Daily Times editorial.