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AGEL added 925 MW operational capacity in FY21 despite pandemic

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AGEL has been awarded/ declared L1 bidder for 13,550 MW new renewable projects in FY21 taking locked-in growth up to ~ 20,000 MW (1)

AGEL’s Total Income for FY21 up by 34% YoY at Rs. 3,520 cr

Sale of Energy for FY21 up by 25% YoY at 5,482 mn units

  1. Locked-in growth includes operational, under implementation, awarded and L1 bid projects
  2. Cash Profit is before deduction of TOTAL Distribution (which is part of finance cost as per IndAS)

Ahmedabad, May 5, 2021: Adani Green Energy Ltd. [“AGEL”], a part of the Adani Group, today announced the financial results for the quarter and financial year ended March 31, 2021. The Operational Performance Snapshot for the period is follows:

Operational Performance:

Financial Performance:

  1. Total EBITDA = Total Income – Purchase of Stock in trade – Change in inventories – Employee Benefit Expenses – Other Expenses
  2. EBITDA from Power Supply = Revenue from Power Supply + prompt payment discount – Employee Benefit Expenses – Other Expenses excluding expenses pertaining to EPC/ sale of goods & loss on sale of assets
  3. Cash Profit = PAT + Depreciation + Deferred Tax + Exceptional Items + TOTAL Distribution (which is part of finance cost as per IndAS)

AGEL added 925 MW operational capacity in FY21 despite pandemic:

AGEL is awarded/ declared L1 bidder for 13,550 MW new renewable projects in FY21 taking locked-in growth up to ~ 20,000 MW

Other Key Achievements in FY21:

Commenting on the quarterly results of the Company, Mr. Gautam Adani, Chairman, Adani Green Energy Limited said, “I am gratified to see Adani Green Energy’s results. About three years back we made a commitment to our shareholders that we would showcase India’s ability to lead the renewable power revolution. Our ranking this year as the world’s largest developer of solar power is testimony to this commitment, as is the investment that global majors are making in the AGEL portfolio. Despite all the challenges resulting from the pandemic, we have been resolute in our execution and stay confident of emerging as the world’s largest renewable player before the end of the decade. We are also on track to contribute meaningfully to India’s COP21 goals as well as to the wider UNFCCC goals of sustainability.”

Mr. Vneet S. Jaain, MD & CEO, Adani Green Energy Ltd said, “FY21 has been an eventful year for Adani Green Energy witnessing robust operational performance and rapid capacity build-up despite the pandemic, new strategic alliances and tie up of a revolving project finance facility.

On ESG front, we had Zero Loss time and recordable injury in FY21. The 648 MW Solar Plant at Kamuthi, Tamilnadu becoming the First Water Positive Plant of its kind in the World and the First Single Use Plastic (SUP) free plant of its kind in India. The plant has also been conferred EHS Excellence Award from CII in FY21.

AGEL’s data analytics driven O&M, advance de-risking based development approach and disciplined yet transformational capital management will continue to ensure a steady progress towards target of having 25 GW operational capacity by 2025.”

About Adani Green Energy Limited

Adani Green Energy Limited (AGEL), a part of India-based Adani Group, has one of the largest global renewable portfolios of 14.8 GW of operating, under-construction and awarded projects catering to investment-grade counterparties. The company develops, builds, owns, operates and maintains utility-scale grid-connected solar and wind farm projects. Key customers of AGEL include the National Thermal Power Corporation (NTPC) and Solar Energy Corporation of India (SECI) and various State Discoms. Listed in 2018, AGEL today is a USD 22 billion market cap company helping India meet its COP21 goals. Mercom Capital, the US-based think tank recently ranked Adani Group as the #1 global solar power generation asset owner.

(Sanket Mehta)