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Adani Energy Solutions reports strong Q1 FY25 performance

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Ahmedabad, 25 July 2024: Adani Energy Solutions Limited (“AESL”), part of the globally diversified Adani portfolio and the largest private transmission and distribution company in India with a growing smart metering portfolio, today announced its financial and operational performance for the quarter ended June 30, 2024.

“AESL remains steadfast with commissioning of new lines, along with strong energy demand growth in its distribution areas of AEML and MUL. We are further contributing to decarbonization of the power distribution in Mumbai by way of 37% renewable power penetration in Mumbai. We remain focused on recognizing and tapping market opportunities within the areas of interest and lead energy transition in India. We take pride in our contribution to developing critical transmission infrastructure, to facilitate renewable evacuation (e.g. Khavda) and as well as strengthening the existing grid and driving energy efficiency in India through its smart metering program. We are also pleased to share that prestigious agency like the FTSE have upgraded our ESG score in the FTSE4Good Index to 4.4, with environment score being the key improvement area. This demonstrates our unwavering dedication to reduce environmental impact and promote sustainable practices,” said Anil Sardana, MD, Adani Energy Solutions.

Consolidated Financial Performance         (Rs crore)

Particulars Q1 FY25 Q1 FY24 YoY %
Revenue from operations 5,379 3,664 46.8%
Total EBITDA (Adjusted)  1,762# 1,378 27.9%
Operating EBITDA 1,628 1,255 29.7%
PAT (Adjusted) 315#      182 73.0%
Cash profit 908#   649^ 39.9%
Cash Profit (ex one-time)     908      639 42.1%

(Note: Total EBITDA = Operating EBITDA plus other income, one-time regulatory income, adjusted for CSR exp.; Cash profit calculated as PAT + Depreciation + Deferred Tax + MTM option loss;) #Adjusted for an exceptional item because of proposed carve-out of the Dahanu power plant in line with Ind AS 105, of Rs 1,506 crore. ^Includes one-time bilateral charge and provision of Rs 10 crores (net off tax) in Q1FY24

Revenue:  Revenues witnessed a robust growth of 47% on account of the contribution from the newly operationalized transmission assets, line addition at under-construction projects and an increase in the units sold because of higher energy consumption in the distribution business at Mumbai and Mundra and contribution from smart metering business


PAT: PAT of Rs 315 crore in Q1FY25 was 73% higher YoY translating from a strong EBITDA growth

Segment-wise Financial Highlights:            (Rs crore)

Segment Particulars Q1 FY25 Q1 FY24 YoY %
Transmission Op Revenue 1,174 884 32.8%
EBITDA 1,148 862 33.3%
PAT 251 162 54.8%
Cash Profit 571 417 36.9%
Distribution (AEML and MUL) Op Revenue 3,372 2,738 23.2%
EBITDA Adj. 592 516 14.8%
PAT Adj. 51 20 151.2%
Cash Profit 320 232 38.2%


Smart Metering

Op Revenue 76
PAT 14
Cash Profit 16

Segment-wise Key Operational Highlights:

Particulars Q1 FY25 Q1 FY24 Change
Transmission business
Average Availability (%) 99.7% 99.7% In line
Transmission Network Added (ckm) 190 550 Lower
Total Transmission Network (ckm) 21,187 19,778 Higher
Distribution business (AEML)
Supply reliability (%) 99.99% 99.99% In line
Distribution loss (%) 5.18% 4.85% Higher
Units sold (MU’s) 2,962 2,754 Higher
Distribution business (MUL)
Units sold (MU’s) 226 133 Higher

 Transmission business:

 Distribution business (AEML Mumbai and MUL Mundra):

Segment-wise Progress and Outlook:



Smart Meters:

ESG Updates:
