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RSS’s satire clarified, NaMo Government on edge!

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The ideological battle of Ram Mandir happened to drive a tension between BJP government and Hindu Nationalists. Ideological battle within the community cannot help attain the goal, satirical punches by RSS against Modi government were clarified.

All the eyebrows were raised as RSS General Secretary Bhaiyaji Joshi passed a satirical statement,

“Ram Mandir will be built in 2025.”

Soon after this statement, he clarified in reports from Outlook,

“It is not so that we are shifting the date later. We are saying that if we start constructing the temple today then it shall be completed by 2025.”

Ram Mandir is about Hindu sentiments that are bruised as the Supreme Court dates are delayed. The majority community of India had put their expectations and faith on the BJP government since 2014 for the issue to be solved. Such sentiments have turned into disappointments.

Prime Minister had asked to wait for the Supreme Court’s verdict but once again the hearing has deferred on 29th January as during the hearing, one of the judges of the 5-judge bench, Justice UU Lalit recused himself from hearing the case after lawyer representing the Muslim side questioned on him hearing the case. RSS Chief Mohanji Bhagwat claimed his urge towards getting the ordinance as soon as possible

RSS was the ladder through which Narendra Modi has entered into the political world. Hindu sentiments and their trust played an important role for NaMo’s victory in 2014 PM elections. It is well understood that Ram Mandir has become a parameter for 2019 Elections, party doesn’t matter anymore!