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Chicago City Council rejects anti-India resolution

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Mukund Patel 

Chicago (USA): The Chicago City Council on Wednesday (March 24) rejected an anti-India resolution (R2020-583) by a 26-18 vote, making it the first-ever city council in the US to have defeated such a move.

Some other cities had passed similar resolutions against India in the recent past.

The proposed resolution called Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the BJP-led government as “Hindu extremist”, and denounced the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA), democratically passed by the Indian Parliament, as “discriminatory and unconstitutional”.

The anti-India resolution was tabled in the City Council of Chicago by Maria Hadden, Alderwoman (the Council’s elected member) of the 49th ward. It was meant to mislead the readers with opening remarks “Honouring India’s democracy and independence…” and was intended to be passed without any discussion, reports said.

Since July 2020, the controversial resolution sparked a heated debate within the city’s South Asian community. Chicago and its suburban areas have a sizeable population of Indian Americans living in harmony.